this is not my mograph reel.*
more motion, please
more motion, please
more motion, please
more motion, please
more motion, please
i haven't been working on anything interesting recently.*
i haven't been working on anything interesting recently.*
i haven't been working on anything interesting recently.*
turning heads and dropping jaws with CINSYR.
I'm currently a Rockstar Motion Designer at CINSYR Creative Group in Syracuse, NY. Check out some of the sick moves I've made with the coolest people in the salt city.
hey! my name is not
JamieLynn Gallagher.*
I like cartoon characters, almond milk lattes, and fun earrings.
more JamieLynn, please
more JamieLynn, please
more JamieLynn, please
more JamieLynn, please
more JamieLynn, please
what have i been stitching up recently?
zamboni micro-interactions ➜
bevvies vector animation ➜
washwell digital pet ➜
true blue digital stop motion ➜
days of type interactive mograph ➜
i haven't been working on anything interesting recently.*
turning heads and dropping jaws with CINSYR.
I'm currently a Rockstar Motion Designer at CINSYR Creative Group in Syracuse, NY. Check out some of the sick moves I've made with the coolest people in the salt city.
hey! my name is not
JamieLynn Gallagher.*
I like cartoon characters, almond milk lattes, and fun earrings.
more JamieLynn, please
i haven't been working on anything interesting recently.*
i haven't been working on anything interesting recently.*
turning heads and dropping jaws with CINSYR.
I'm currently a Rockstar Motion Designer at CINSYR Creative Group in Syracuse, NY. Check out some of the sick moves I've made with the coolest people in the salt city.
hey! my name is not
JamieLynn Gallagher.*
I like cartoon characters, almond milk lattes, and fun earrings.
more JamieLynn, please
i haven't been working on anything interesting recently.*
i haven't been working on anything interesting recently.*
turning heads and dropping jaws with CINSYR.
I'm currently a Rockstar Motion Designer at CINSYR Creative Group in Syracuse, NY. Check out some of the sick moves I've made with the coolest people in the salt city.
hey! my name is not
JamieLynn Gallagher.*
I like cartoon characters, almond milk lattes, and fun earrings.
more JamieLynn, please